[ a blog about purposeful traveling; why I travel, other benefits that come to a well-travelled person, and why everyone should make a point to become well-travelled ]
Wanderlust /ˈwändərˌləst/ noun: a strong desire to travel.
I’ve always had a strong desire to travel, as the thought of experiencing a new world seemed so romantic.
In these past 7 years, I have spent a significant amount of time traveling. So far, I’ve been to 5 different countries, 18 different cities. What I have found from my experience is that the best part of traveling is usually the people you travel with. (and the food!)
I recently travelled coast to coast in my little Ford Transit, and let me tell you… That was a trip to remember! I learned a lot of things about myself, limiting beliefs that were brought to light, and most of all how badly I had needed this trip and how much I missed traveling (after the “no-traveling” year of 2020).
I also learned that a good plate of food can be the solution to nearly any dispute. Some of my happiest memories were centered around finding these sweet little gems that whacked us in the taste buds! From sweet and fresh Alaskan King crab in Florida, to the juicy bag of crawfish of Louisiana, to the greatest BBQ I’ve had in my life, at 10pm in Texas.
Traveling allows us to experience life in a new way. Pushing us out of our comfort zones, we are able to grow past our old selves, and make new truths for ourselves by breaking limiting beliefs. Traveling will challenge you in deeper ways than you could imagine. Accept the invitation. ✨